
Carbon Set-off projects

Bwindi Forest Conservation

Offset your carbon footprint and make a meaningful difference in Uganda and Rwanda! Choose from four impactful projects that protect endangered species, empower local communities, improve health, and drive clean energy innovation. Your contribution will have a lasting impact on the environment, wildlife, and people’s lives. Select a project that resonates with you and join us in creating a sustainable future for all.

Bwindi Forest Conservation

Deep in the heart of Uganda, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a lush sanctuary for over half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas. Our conservation project safeguards 500 acres of this precious forest, preserving the gorillas’ habitat and storing an impressive 10,000 tons of CO2. By supporting this project, you’ll be contributing to the protection of these magnificent creatures and the promotion of sustainable ecotourism. A portion of the funds will go towards training local guides and supporting community development projects, ensuring that the benefits of tourism are shared equitably. For example, local communities will receive support for initiatives such as education and healthcare, empowering them to thrive alongside the forest and its inhabitants.



Nyungwe Forest Reforestation

In the rolling hills of Rwanda, Nyungwe National Park stands as one of the last remaining intact forests in the region. Our reforestation project aims to plant 100,000 trees, restoring degraded forest land and sequestering an impressive 20,000 tons of CO2.

This project not only supports biodiversity conservation but also provides sustainable livelihoods for local communities. For instance, local farmers will be trained in agroforestry practices, enabling them to cultivate crops alongside newly planted trees, enhancing their income and food security.

By supporting this project, you’ll be helping to revitalize the forest ecosystem and empower local communities to thrive in harmony with nature.



Rwanda Regenerative Agriculture Project

In rural Rwanda, our project supports 100 small-scale farmers to adopt climate-resilient practices, boosting their incomes and improving soil health. By promoting agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and organic farming methods, this project:


  • Enhances soil carbon sequestration, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 5,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year
  • Improves crop yields and quality
  • Reduces synthetic fertilizer and pesticide usage
  • Increases biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Empowers farmers with knowledge and skills
  • Supports farmer cooperatives and market access enhancement


This project contributes to Rwanda’s national priorities in sustainable agriculture, climate action, and rural development, ultimately improving the livelihoods of rural farmers, promoting environmental sustainability, and enhancing food security.


For example, farmers like Jeanne and Emmanuel, who used to struggle with low yields and soil degradation, are now seeing improved crop quality and increased incomes, allowing them to send their children to school and invest in their communities.

Efficient Cook Stove Distribution – Uganda

In rural Uganda, traditional cookstoves burning wood or charcoal are a common sight, leading to deforestation and indoor air pollution. Our project distributes 2,000 energy-efficient cookstoves, reducing an impressive 10,000 tons of CO2 emissions and improving indoor air quality.

These cookstoves require less fuel, reducing the burden on women and children who often spend hours collecting firewood. For example, a single cook stove can save a family up to 20 hours of fuel collection time per week, freeing up time for education, income-generating activities, or simply spending time together. By supporting this project, you’ll be helping to improve the health and wellbeing of rural families while reducing their carbon footprint.

Let's save our Planet

Could you be kind enough to Calculate your Carbon Footprint, so we can save the world together!

Offset your carbon footprint and make a meaningful difference in Uganda and Rwanda! Choose from four impactful projects that protect endangered species, empower local communities, improve health, and drive clean energy innovation.

Your contribution will have a lasting impact on the environment, wildlife, and people’s lives. Select a project that resonates with you and join us in creating a sustainable future for all.




How much is Your Carbon Footprint?

Are you kind enough to tell us how much your journey costs in terms of Carbon footprint?

Carbon Footprint

Offset your carbon footprint and make a meaningful difference in Uganda and Rwanda! Choose from four impactful projects that protect endangered species, empower local communities, improve health, and drive clean energy innovation.

Your contribution will have a lasting impact on the environment, wildlife, and people’s lives. Select a project that resonates with you and join us in creating a sustainable future for all.

Explore Sustainable Journeys

Lets take an adventure fun and saves our Planet together through the Africa, the whole to Nature and Care.